Build book store with next.js

Pavlo Zhmak
3 min readSep 11, 2021


We’re going to cover, step-by-step, how to use all of the major features of next.js to quickly and easily build your own app. I’m going to use it in combination with Tailiwind CSS.

The sample app consist of: book store overview page, book detail and cart pages. Functional parts: add a book to the shopping cart, change quantity of book (book details/shopping cart), remove the book from the shopping cart.

You can find source code of the sample here.

Step 1. Install

To create a new next.js with Tailiwind CSS (CSS framework) we will use most common approach Create Next App:

npx create-next-app -e with-tailwindcss my-project
cd my-project

Step 2. Project structure

Once project have been created, we can set up project structure in my case it looks like this in the end:

├── ...
└── components
└── pages
└── api
└── data
└── utils

data folder contains provider class to work with JSON data and the data file itself.

utils folder has only single helper to work with API.

components folder contains components for the pages.

Step 3. Routing

Page without parameters: /books

To add page you need to create a file inside pages folder with export default component (page component) inside. So, the name of the file will be the route path. Also you can create a folder and add index.js with component inside then the name of the folder will be your path to the page.

Page with parameter: /books/{id}

In case you need pass a parameter to your page like id then you need name your file as a parameter in brackets. Let's say you want to open book details by route books/{id} then you need to add [id].js in books folder.

Page with multiple parameters /books/{genre}/{id}

When you need to add multiple parameters than name you file like this [...params].js that way you'll catch all paths to the books route if you place it in books folder.

The same rules applies to API routes inside api folder.

Step 4. Data Fetching

Incremental Static Regeneration

getStaticProps is executed server side during build time. You can write server-side code directly in here. This includes fetch external data, reading from the filesystem or a database etc.

getStaticPaths set up paths to pre-render in build time in case you’re using dynamic routing (routes with parameters) in combination with getStaticProps

Server-side Rendering

getServerSideProps is executed server side per each request. You can write server-side code directly in here as well.


Next.js is nice tool with great documentation and quite straightforward in usage.

It’s good for e-commerce and apps where we need them to be indexed by search engines.

One more word about Tailwind CSS, it makes life much more easier when it comes to working with CSS.

